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The Inappropriate Application of Medication in the Context of Surgical Procedures: A Review

Rushikesh M Chavan, Pramod Chikkodi


The initiation of substance abuse frequently commences during adolescence, a critical developmental period. Extensive research has consistently revealed a pronounced connection between drug use and the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol. Understanding the prevalence of substance abuse, with a specific focus on the use of cigarettes and alcohol, is paramount in formulating effective strategies for prevention and control of drug consumption. Therefore, embarking on an initial exploration of the prevalence of substance abuse becomes imperative as it lays the foundation for comprehensive interventions. This study is dedicated to delving into the intricate landscape of drug use among high school students in Iran. By scrutinizing articles published over the past decade, the research aims to contribute to an enriched understanding of the dynamics surrounding drug-related behaviors within this demographic. The unique socio-cultural context of Iran adds a layer of complexity to this exploration, necessitating an in-depth investigation that considers local nuances and factors influencing the patterns of substance abuse. Through a meticulous analysis of the existing body of knowledge, this research seeks to uncover trends, risk factors, and potential protective measures related to drug use among high school students. The findings derived from this study hold the potential to inform targeted interventions, educational programs, and policy initiatives geared towards mitigating the prevalence and impact of substance abuse in this vulnerable population. Ultimately, the overarching goal is to foster a healthier and more resilient adolescent community in Iran.

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