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Study of Road Traffic Accident (RTA) Fatalites Coming for Autopsy in FAAMCH, Barpeta, Assam

Manoj Kumar Singha, Pradip Kumar Thakuria, Parthapratim Das, Arpan Mazumder


Analysis of fatal road traffic accident cases in medico-legal autopsies, present study was conducted in the department of forensic medicine, FAAMC, Barpeta Assam from 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2015. The study was undertaken upon 210 victims of road traffic accident cases, who died due to various injuries, and were autopsied at Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College. Most of the accidents occurred in the afternoon hours and there was male dominance. Most affected age group was 21–30 years and two wheeler occupants were most commonly involved. Head injury is the most common causes of death.


Keywords: Road traffic accident, injury, two wheelers, death

Cite this Article

Manoj Kumar Singha, Pradip Kumar Thakuria, Parthapratim Das, et al. Study of Road Traffic Accident (RTA) Fatalites Coming for Autopsy in FAAMCH, Barpeta, Assam. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology. 2016; 6(3): 30–33p.

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