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Sudden Natural Deaths in and around Guwahati: An Autopsy Based Study

Netra Moni Kakati, Dipak Kumar Das


Death occurring within 24 h of the onset of terminal symptoms is defined as sudden death. It is frequently associated with allegations of foul play. A retrospective study of sudden natural deaths in an around Guwahati from 2016 to 2018 was conducted from the medico-legal autopsy cases done at Guwahati Medical College and Hospital Guwahati. A total of 9835 autopsy cases were done during those 3 years. Out of a total of 9835 post mortem cases, 703 cases were of sudden natural deaths. Males constituted 82.5% and females only 17.5% of the cases. Maximum incidence was seen in the 31‑40 year age group, followed by 41‑50 years. 218 (31.01%) cases were found dead, 199 (28.31%) cases were of collapse/unconsciousness, 174 (24.75%) cases had preceding illness and 112 (15.93%) died during sleep. The causes of maximum death were related to the cardiovascular system (49.93%) followed by alimentary (25.75%), respiratory (15.36%), central nervous systems (5.97%) and genitor-urinary (2.99%). Spreading awareness is important to clear the mystery surrounding a sudden death.


Keywords: Sudden death, forensic autopsy, natural death, cardiovascular system


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Netra Moni Kakati, Dipak Kumar Das. Sudden Natural Deaths in and around Guwahati: An Autopsy Based Study. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology. 2019; 9(3): 29–33p.

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