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Is Bottled Water Better than Tap Water?

Gurmeet Singh Sarla


Objective: There has been a persistent rise in bottled water consumption over the last two decades. Little is known about the health benefits of bottled water. The purpose of this study was to improve understanding of the public's health believes concerning bottled mineral water, and to know whether these believes influence water consumption habits. Method: Extensive review of literature was done to compare bottled water and tap water and also the merits and demerits of the available methods of water purification were studied from the available literature and inference was drawn. Discussion: The minerals in bottled water confer a health benefit- is the commonest belief of the consumer; however, there were concerns over association between the plastic bottle itself and cancer. Bottled water additionally detrimentally affects the earth. Conclusion: Convenience, cost, odour, taste and temperature were influential factors when making decisions to buy bottled water for consumption. Reverse osmosis is not recommended as it removes all the minerals and trace elements during the process of water purification. Tap water is considerably safe and may provide recommended dietary intake of calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Household candle filters having an upper housing chamber fitted with the candles and a lower storage chamber is a satisfactory water purification method which may be followed.


Keywords: Bottled water, mineral water, reverse osmosis, tap water, water purification


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Gurmeet Singh Sarla. Is Bottled Water Better than Tap Water?. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology. 2020; 10(1): 30–33p.

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