Scorpion Poison-A Clinical Review
Scorpion Venom is a Tasteless. It is slightly acidic in nature. The initial drop is more or less colourless but the subsequent one are translucent in normal conditions. The striated muscles in the stinger allow regulation of the amount of venom ejected, which is usually 0.1-0.6 mg. The venom dries up into a powdery mass, which later forms elongated whitish crystals, which gets dissolved in water. Lethal dose of Mesobuthus tamlus is 1/1000 and for Palamneus gravimanus it is 1/200 for a 200gm white mouse. Scorpion venom is a rich source of various polypeptides with diverse physiological and pharmacological activities, which generally exert their action via target specific modulation of ion channel function.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjot.v11i2.2636
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