Formation of hygiene and cosmetic wipes using herbal formulation
Increase in the awareness among the consumers against the health and hygiene products has increase the demand of nonwovens. There is huge increase in hygiene products in the recent COVID-19 pandemics. The hygiene products help the control the moisture as well as acts as a good disinfectant against the pathogens present on the skin. In the present study wet wipes formulations are being done using herbal formulations. Xanthum gum is used as a biopolymer which acts as a superwetting agent in the preparation of wipes formulation. The herbal formulation produced is applied on nonwoven P/V (100 gsm) and viscose (45 gsm). The % absorbency and % release property of both the formulation produced has been analysed on both the nonwovens. It shows a good surface disinfectant property for SF1 formulation. The invitro cytotoxicity results shows nontoxic results and are safer for human skin applications.
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