Study on Medical Scaffolds Prepared from Vitex. negundo L.
The nature is abundant with herbs and its benefits which are been used since ancient times. The herbs used have inherent potential antioxidants and flavonoids which are essential for various medicinal formulations. Vitex negundo L. species belongs to the family lamiaceae. The herb has been used in rural countries like India as a wound healing due to its excessive tannins and terpenoids. In the present study we are using Vitex. negundo to explore its potential for the medical scaffolds with a good resistance for microbial attack. In this study carboxy methyl cellulose biopolymer has been used for the preparation of the scaffolds. The results indicated that 25% of plant extract and 3% of CMC when used for preparation of scaffolds gives a better resistant against microorganisms. The cross linking of the above film has been done with CA/TA acid 20w/v of CMC. The thickness of the film is 60.74 ± 6.73 while the swelling property of the scaffold is 286 ± 42. In vitrocytotoxicity of the scaffold was done it shows a nontoxic result indicating its successful use in near to skin application. The films also show an excellent UPF values of 25% film as 58.29. The tensile strength shows a variable behaviour with increase in CMC. The sustainable films are being prepared for its application in medicinal scaffolds.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjot.v11i3.2747
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