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Liquid Waste Management

Priyanka Verma


Liquid waste is an emerging problem in this world, because of its ability to enter watersheds, pollute ground and drinking water when improperly handled and disposed. Diseases like cholera, plague, tuberculosis hepatitis as well as diphtheria are very common in places where untreated waste is reused and can be extremely dangerous over the period of time. Which can give public health risks as well as a major problem for healthcare facilities. About 90% of wastewater which is produced globally from the hospital care facility remains untreated but there is increase in untreated wastewater in irrigation due to scarcity of water. So proper steps should be taken to discard untreated and wastewater to keep safe and to avoid contamination of the table water. 


Liquid waste management, Effluent treatment Plant, Wastewater treatment plant

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