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Scorpions in Mythology: A General Review

Gyanendra kumar Gupta, Gagan Devi


Scorpions have played an important role in the mythology of people who live with them since the earliest times. It is believed that 4000 years ago, 12 constellations were formed by major stars in the night as grouped by Chaldeans (Babylonia); Scorpio Constellation is one among 12 constellations, which contains the bright red star Anteres. In Astrology, twelve houses of the zodiac are derived from the configurations of stars and Scorpio is consider as one among them. As we know Scorpio is insect, no insect other than scorpio has aspired to this claim except the Cancer i.e., the Crab. The scorpion is generally considered as the agent of the devil.


Scorpions, Chaldeans, Constellations, Astrology and Cancer

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