Biochemical Assessment of Fish Channa punctatus Exposed to Heavy Metal Loaded Waste Water with Serum Biochemistry and Oxidative Stress as Biomarker Responses
Due to Rapid industrialization from past two decades, there has been increase in industrial wastes which has been discharged into the nearby water bodies, leading to the damage of the whole ecosystems and marine habitat. These industries possess a potential threat to the aquatic ecosystem besides, its flora and fauna. One such condition has been witnessed in the present study in MIDC Area of Amravati region of Maharashtra India. In order to assess these problems, experiments were conducted to investigate the different parameters of health of fish Channa punctatus inhabiting in waters loaded with heavy metals in and around MIDC area of Amravati city of Maharashtra. The order of heavy metals was found as Fe>Mn>Zn>Co>Ni>Cu=Cr in this polluted water. The values of Fe and Ni exceeded above as per Human health standards given by UNEPGEMS. Glycogen in liver (p<0.001) and muscle (p<0.01) values were significant in this study compared to other parameters. In addition to this, there was insignificant (p<0.05) decline in blood glucose (19.0%). The highest metal load was found in the gills, followed by liver and then kidney. There were elevated values in both globulin and total protein in serum, muscle and liver. There was a significant rise in the level of serum Albumin as well as significant (p<0.05) increase in liver and muscle. Some parameters like Albumin, triglyceride and albumin to globulin (A:G) ratio were found in less concentration in serum while others like cholesterol, total protein, lipid and phospholipid were in elevated forms when compared to reference site. In addition to this, there were significant increased values in the oxidative stress markers like glutathione S transferase (GST), Catalase (CAT), Lipid peroxidation (LPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD).
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjot.v12i3.3090
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