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An Overall Assessment of Psoriasis

Gyanendra kumar Gupta, Gagan Devi


Psoriasis has an equal impact on both genders and can manifest at any age, although it typically appears more frequently between the ages of 15 and 25 years. In Western populations, it is estimated that around 2% to 3% of individuals experience psoriasis. Among the 7.5 million individuals registered with general practitioners in the United Kingdom, the prevalence was found to be 1.5%. According to a survey carried out by the National Psoriasis Foundation in the United States, the occurrence of psoriasis among adult Americans was found to be 2.1%. Within this study, it was discovered that 35% of people with psoriasis could be categorized as having moderate to severe symptoms. Around one out of three individuals with psoriasis have a familial background of the condition, and researchers have identified specific genetic regions linked to its onset. Studies on identical twins suggest a 70% likelihood of the other twin developing psoriasis if one twin already has it. This indicates a concordance rate of around 20% for fraternal twins. These discoveries indicate that both genetic susceptibility and environmental elements play a role in the emergence of psoriasis.


Psoriasis, National Psoriasis Foundation, Monozygotic twins, Dizygotic twins and Genetic.

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