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An Investigation of Some Metals Concentrations in Freshwater Fish Collected from Wellington Lake, Tamil Nadu, India

G. Ambedkar, M. Muniyan


The present study was conducted to determine the metals of lead, cadmium, copper, chromium, iron, zinc and manganese concentrations in gill, liver, kidney, intestine and muscle of the collected freshwater fish Etroplus maculatus, Cirrhinus cirrhosa, Rastrelliger kanagurta, Macrognathus pancalus and Punitius dorsalis of the Wellington lake, Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu, India collected during January–December 2011. Metals concentrations varied significantly depending upon the type of fish tissues and locations. In the selected freshwater fish, gill> liver> kidney> intestine> muscle tissues appeared to have significantly higher tendency to bioaccumulation of lead followed by Cd> Cu> Cr> Fe> Zn> Mn. The highest concentration level of Pb, 1.58±0.073 mg/kg dry weight were recorded in the gill tissue of Cirrhinus cirrhosa and least concentration level of Mn 0.10+0.003 were recorded in the muscle tissue of Etroplus maculatus of selected Wellington lake.

Keywords: Freshwater fish, metals, Wellington lake

Cite this Article
Ambedkar G, Muniyan M. An Investigation of Some Metals Concentrations in Freshwater Fish Collected from Wellington Lake, Tamil Nadu, India. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology. 2017; 7(3): 6–11p.

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