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Unraveling The Concept Of "Humma (Fever)"And Unani Fundamentals In Its Management

Asif Ali Chaudhary, Fouzia Farooqui, S. Saleemunnisa Yousuf, Asma RA Chaudhary, Asma Malik Azmi


The Unani system of medicine provides an exhaustive and comprehensive account of fever, delving into its intricacies and nuances. Beyond mere reduction of heightened body temperature, the management of fever within this system encompasses a holistic approach to healing. This approach is underpinned by three core modes of treatment—Ilaj bil Ghiza (dietotherapy), Ilaj bil Tadbeer (regimental therapy), and Ilaj bil Dawa (pharmacotherapy), all of which are rooted in the foundational principles of Unani medicine. The utilization of cold water and a variety of beverages (mashroob) plays a pivotal role in effectively lowering body temperature. Simultaneously, the incorporation of easily digestible and nourishing foods, particularly the jayyadul kemoos diet, including maul asl, ma’ul shaeer, kashak-us- shaeer, and aash-e-jau, are carefully administered in modest quantities. These dietary measures are meticulously designed to not only fortify the tabiát (body constitution) but also to prevent the exacerbation of pathological elements. In the realm of pharmacotherapy, a diverse array of remedies is employed to tackle different manifestations of fever. These include Dafe Humma (antipyretic agents), Muarriqat (agents that promote perspiration), Musaffiyat wa Muaddilat (agents that balance bodily humors), Mubarridat wa Musakkinat (febrifuge and sedative agents), Mudirrat (agents that regulate bodily functions), Muqawwi Kabid (hepatoprotective agents), and Mufarrehat (agents that promote excretion). In essence, the Unani approach to fever management is a finely woven tapestry of various modalities, harmoniously synchronized to address the multifaceted aspects of the condition and guide the individual towards holistic well-being.


Humma, Dietotherapy, Regimenal therapy, Pharmacotherapy, Fever, Unani Management, Basic Principles

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