Research & Reviews: Journal of Medicine
Research & Reviews: Journal of Medicine (RRJoM): is a journal focused towards the rapid publication of fundamental research papers in all areas concerning art and science of healing, which are covered under the domain medicine. It's a triannual journal, started in 2011.
eISSN: 2249–8648
Journal DOI no.: 10.37591/RRJoM
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus ICV = 57.57, SJIF= 6.117
Dr. Nandita Mehta,
Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesia, Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Science and Hospital (ASCOMS), Jammu Jammu and Kashmir-180017, India Email: dr.nanditamehta[at]gmail[dot]com
Focus and Scope Cover- Prevention and Treatment of illness
- Medical Technology
- Health Sciences
- Biomedical research
- Diagnosis & Treatment of disease
- Medication
- Surgeries & Therapies
- Health care systems
- Medical Specialties
- Community Health
- Medical Informatics
- Communicable diseases
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions
Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions (RRJoHP) is a print and e-journal focused towards the rapid publication of fundamental research papers in all areas of concerning various current and forthcoming radical new health professions across the globe and the latest cutting edge advancements in healthcare. It's a triannual journal, started in 2011.
pISSN: 2348-9537
eISSN: 2277–6192
Journal DOI no.: 10.37591/RRJoHP
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus ICV = 59.42, SJIF= 6.087
Prof. Nirmal Kumar Ganguly,
‘Padma Bhushan’, Honorary Senior Research Professor (Clinical Research), Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences, New Delhi-110070, India. Professor (GRIPMER), The Ganga Ram Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi-110060, India. Visiting Professor of Eminence, Translational Health Science & Technology Institute, Faridabad-121001, India ganguly1nk[at]gmail[dot]com
Focus and Scope Covers
- Audiology
- Cardiovascular Technology and Chiropractor
- Cytotechnologist and Dietetic
- Osteopathy
- Podiatry, Radiology (X-Ray) and Respiratory Therapy
- Speech therapy, Surgical (O.R.) Technology and Ultrasound Technology
- Clinical Laboratory Technology
- Medical laboratory science
- Psychology
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Paramedics
- Health care system
- Medication Reconciliation
- Risk management
- Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Health care
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Journal of Nursing Science & Practice
Journal of Nursing Science & Practice (JoNSP)
eISSN: 2249–4758
Click here for complete Editorial Board
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.078
Journal of Nursing Science & Practice is a peer reviewed print and e-Journal which provides readers high quality, original research, review- papers and the short research communications in the field of Nursing and Care. The Journal is devoted to Nurses and other Health Professionals involved in the care of patients. It's a triannual journal, started in 2012.
Journal DOI no: 10.37591/JoNSP
Readership: Graduates, Postgraduates, Research Scholars, Nurses, in Institutions, and Hospitals
Indexing: The Journal is indexed in Google Scholar, Journals TOC, Index Copernicus (ICV=54.22)
Focus and Scope Cover
- Nursing Science and Research
- Assessment and Diagnosis
- Nursing management
- Care Planning
- Community and Home Care
- Critical Care & Pediatric Nursing
- Emergency Gerontology
- Preoperative Nursing
- Geriatric Nursing
- Anesthesia
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Intellectual Disability Nursing
Submission of Paper:
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
Manuscripts are invited from academicians, students, research scholars and faculties for publication consideration.
Papers are accepted for editorial consideration through email: [email protected]
Abbreviation: JoNSP
Frequency: Three issues per year
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Research & Reviews: Journal of Surgery
Research & Reviews: Journal of Surgery (RRJoS) is a print and online journal focused on the publication of current research work carried out under surgery. This journal covers all major advancements in the field of surgery and its Applications. It's a triannual journal, started in 2012.
eISSN: 2319-3425
ISSN: 2349-3712
Journal DOI no.: 10.37591/RRJoS
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus ICV: 62.22, SJIF 6.079
Dr. Somprakas Basu, Professor & Head, Department of General Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Virbhadra Road, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand-249203, India Email: somprakas.surg[at]aiimsrishikesh[dot]edu[dot]in
Focus and Scope Cover
- General surgery, Cardiothoracic surgery and Vascular surgery
- Plastic surgery, Pediatric Surgery and Colorectal surgery
- Transplant surgery and Trauma surgery
- Endocrine surgery and Breast surgery
- Otolaryngology, Gynecology, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopaedic Surgery and Neurosurgery
- Podiatric surgery and Urology
- Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery
- Laser Surgery
- Post Operative care
- Arthroscopy
- Modern Surgery
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Research & Reviews: A Journal of Microbiology and Virology
Research & Reviews: A Journal of Microbiology and Virology (RRJoMV) is a print and eJournal focused towards the rapid publication of fundamental research papers in all areas of Microbiology and Virology. The Journal intends to publish recent advancements in the field of Microbiology and Virology.
eISSN: 2230-9853
ISSN: 2349-4360
Journal DOI No: 10.37591/RRJoMV
Focus and Scope Covers
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Microbiology
- Microbial Cytology
- Microbial Physiology
- Microbial Genetics
- Systems Microbiology
- Industrial Microbiology
- Food and Dairy Microbiology
- Agricultural and Plant Microbiology
- Viral pathogenesis & Antiviral agents
- Environmental and Aquatic Microbiology
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Water Microbiology
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Microbiology
- Applied Microbiology
- Microbial Ecology
- Bioremediation
- Nano-microbiology
- Virology and Viral Therapy
- Anti-Microbial Agents
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Research and Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
Research and Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy(RRJoUSH) Publishes original research articles and review articles related to all aspects related to Unani, siddha and Homeopathy. This Journal provides indispensable source of information and is devoted to Interdisciplinary research in Unani Medicine and Allied Sciences.The Focus and Scope of the journal covers
eISSN: 2394-1960
Journal DOI- 10.37591/RRJoUSH
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus (ICV) 53.82
SJIF- 6.129
Focus and Scope Covers
- Ilaj-Bil-Ghiza (Regimenal Therapy)
- Research designs, Research Relevant to Unani System of Medicine
- Gunapadam (Siddha Pharmacology)
- Maruthuvam (Medicine)
- Isopathy
- Electrohomeopathy
- Health, ethical and social issues in field of Homoeopathy research
- Traditional /Alternative /Oriental systems of Medicine and Clinical Research
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Research and Reviews: A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga and Naturopathy
Research and Reviews: A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga and Naturopathy(RRJoASYN) intends to publish research work that contributes to enhance the Scientific knowledge in Ayurvedic sciences ,explore the relationships between Ayurveda, biomedicine and other contemporary health sciences. The focus and scope of the Journal includes, but are not limited to the following fields
eISSN: 2395-6682
SJIF- 6.185
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus (ICV) 53.42
Journal DOI no.: 10.37591/ RRJoASYN
Focus and Scope Covers
- Ayurved samhita and siddhanta
- Exploring principles of Ayurveda
- Ayurvedic pharmaceutics, quality control of Ayurvedic drugs and clinical practice of Ayurveda.
- Panchkarma
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
- Herbal/Natural products in the area of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Treatment with traditional medicines
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga,Unani ,Siddha and Homeopathy
Journal of AYUSH (JoAYUSH) is a print and online Journal focused towards the publication of current research work carried out under Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. This journal covers all major fields of applications in AYUSH.
eISSN: 2278-2214
ISSN: 2321–6484
DOI no.: 10.37591/JoAYUSH
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus (ICV) 53.42
SJIF - 6.21
Focus and Scope Covers
- Ayurveda
- Yoga
- Unani
- Siddha
- Homeopathy new methodology and techniques
- Treatment with traditional medicines
- New practice of adding metals, minerals or gems to herbs
- Efficacy of Treatment
- Naturopathy
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Research & Reviews: A Journal of Dentistry
Research & Reviews: A Journal of Dentistry (RRJoD) is focused towards the publication of basic research and detailed review papers in all major domains of Dentistry. It's a triannual journal, started in 2010.
ISSN (Online): 2230-8008
ISSN (Print): 2348-9561
Journal DOI no.: 10.37591/RRJoD
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus ICV: 62.32, SJIF 6.031
Dr. Ashok Kumar,
Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Aligarh Muslim University, Public university in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh-202001, India Email: Ashokoperative[at]yahoo[dot]in
Focus and Scope Cover
- Dental Anatomy
- Prosthodontology and Dental Anesthesiology
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthodontics
- Restorative Dentistry
- Dental Radiography
- Forensic Odontology
- Geriatric Dentistry
- Veterinary Dentistry
- Dental Public Health (Policies Related to Oral Health)
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Research & Reviews: Journal of Oncology and Hematology
Research & Reviews: Journal of Oncology and Hematology (RRJoOH) is focused towards the publication of current research work carried out at all the major research centres in the fields of Oncology and Haematology. It's a triannual journal, started in 2012.
ISSN (Online): 2319–3387
Journal DOI no.: 10.37591/RRJoOH
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus ICV: 61.72, SJIF= 6.008
Focus and Scope Cover
- Radiation Oncology
- Surgical Oncology
- Medical Oncology
- Interventional Oncology
- Gynecologic Oncology
- Pediatric Oncology
- Allergooncology
- Clinical Oncology
- Ocular Oncology
- Erythrocytes
- Leukocytes and Hematopoiesis
- Hemostasis
- Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
- Hematological Malignancies
- Transplantation
- Cell Therapy
- Pathology
- Blood, Disorders and Diseases
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology
Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology (RRJoT) is focused towards the publication of current research work carried out under Toxicology. It is concerned with the harmful effects of chemical, biological and physical agents in biological systems that establish the extent of damage in living organisms. It's a triannual journal, started in 2011.
eISSN: 2231-3834
Journal DOI no.: 10.37591/RRJoT
ISSN: 2349-1264
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, CAS, Index Copernicus ICV: 62.72 SJIF 6.015
- Toxicity, Mechanisms and Health Effects
- Biological Toxicology
- Chemical Toxicology
- Plant/Agricultural Toxicology
- Veterinary Toxicology
- Xenobiotics and Foreign Toxins
- Environmental Biology
- Industrial Toxicology
- Ecotoxicology
- Entomotoxicology
- Forensic/Medical Toxicology
- Marine/Aquatic Toxicology
- Molecular Toxicology
- Toxicogenomics
- Safety Evaluation and Risk Assessment
- Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Research & Reviews: A Journal of Immunology
Research & Reviews: A Journal of Immunology (RRJoI) is focused towards the rapid publication of fundamental research papers on all areas of concerning various current and forthcoming radical new health professions across the globe due to cutting edge advancements in healthcare. It's a triannual journal, started in 2011.
eISSN: 2277-6206
Journal DOI no.: 10.37591/RRJoI
ISSN: 2349-1280
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus ICV:61.22, SJIF=6.016
Focus and Scope Cover
- Immunity, Immune Systems and Responses
- Immunodeficiency Diseases, Disorders and Allergies
- Autoimmunity, Allergy, and Hypersensitivity
- Cellular Immunology
- Clinical Immunology
- Developmental Immunology
- Diagnostic Immunology
- Evolutionary Immunology
- Immunopathogensis
- Cancer Immunology
- Immunotherapy
- Reproductive Immunology
- Molecular Immunology
- Transplant Immunology
- Vaccine and Immunization
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Research & Reviews: Journal of Computational Biology
Research & Reviews: Journal of Computational Biology (RRJoCB) is focused towards the publication of current research work carried out under computational Biology. This journal covers all major fields of applications in Computational Biology.
eISSN: 2319-3433
ISSN: 2349-3720
SJIF 5.996
ICV 44.02
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google ScholarFocus and Scope Covers
- Bioinformatics, Biophysics and Biostatistics
- Computational and Statistical Genetics
- System Biology
- Molecular Biology and Bio-chemistry
- Genomics and Proteomics
- Mathematical Biology
- Network Biology
- Medical Informatics
- Biomarker Discovery and Mass-Spectrometry
- Organization and Drug Designing Tools for Development Analysis
- Parallel Computation, Linking Disparate Databases, Data Mining
- Biological Software Design and Development
- Computational Biomodelling (Molecular Modelling)
- Biological Algorithms Development and Implementation
- Multiple Sequence Alignment and Biological Databases Development
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Research & Reviews: Journal of Neuroscience
Research & Reviews: Journal of Neuroscience (RRJoNS) is focused towards the rapid publication of fundamental research papers on all areas neurosciences. The scope of neuroscience has broadened to include different approaches used to study the molecular, cellular, developmental, structural, functional, evolutionary, computational, and medical aspects of the nervous system. It's a triannual journal, started in 2011.
eISSN: 2277-6427
Journal DOI no.: 10.37591/RRJoNS
ISSN: 2348-7925
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus ICV: 60.82, SJIF= 6.159
- Behavioral & Cellular Neuroscience
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Computational & Molecular Neuroscience
- Neuroengineering
- Neuroimaging and Neuroinformatics
- Neurophysiology and Systems Neuroscience
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Transitional Research and Medicine
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical Science and Technology
Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical Science and Technology (RRJoMST) is focused towards the publication of current research work carried out under Medical Science and Technology. This journal covers all major fields of applications in Medical Science and Technology. It's a triannual journal, started in 2012.
eISSN: 2319-3417
Journal DOI no.: 10.37591/RRJoMST
ISSN: 2349-1272
Indexed in: DRJI, Citefactor, Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus(ICV: 60.82), SJIF= 6.488
Impact Factor(SJIF): 6.286
Focus and Scope Cover
- General & Critical Care Medicine
- Health Sciences
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Physiotherapy
- Biochemistry of Immune System
- Bio-Medical Engineering
- Midwifery
- Medical Electronics
- Medical Microbiology
- Radiological Sciences
- Plastic Surgery
- Nursing Science
- Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology
- Gynaecology
- Public Health and Public Policy
- Medical Laboratory Technology
- Medical Image Computing and Records
- Medical Devices and Equipments
- Surgical or Operation Theatre Technology
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.