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An Analysis of Psychological Belongingness in Relation to Immunity and Cure of Diseases

Ashutosh Mishra


Body and mind, two things are directly correlated and coexist with the immunity of human beings. It is a general observation observed in society that if a person becomes sick or suffers from any health issues he/she becomes emotional and fears the fate of the future. Such feelings are more prevalent in rural areas, particularly in uneducated families. Belongingness and health appear correlated. When close individuals provide support and a sense of belongingness, recovery from health issues often improves, accompanied by enhanced immune parameters. Conversely, lacking such connections may weaken immunity, hindering recovery. This suggests a significant link between social bonds and well-being, though other factors also influence health. Recognizing this correlation underscores the importance of nurturing relationships for fostering overall health and resilience in individuals facing health challenges. Does it really affect the immunity of a person. In view of the above said context, the present work has been taken for the study.


Immunity, health, body, mind, belongingness

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