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Exploratory survey of nurse led telephonic follow up on post-operative adjustment of discharged ostomates during Covid 19 outbreak in India

Manisha Pawar, Sonal Rane, Bhakti Patankar, Pryiadarshika pradhan, Rani Sagavekar, shweta sawant


introduction :. Stoma surgery is challenging and has been found to impact body image social relationship including sexuality health elated and general quality of life.Statement:“Exploratory survey of nurse led telephonic follow up on post-operative adjustment of discharged ostomates during COVID 19 outbreak in india”.Methodology:an exploratory survey research approach. The research design adopted for the study is experimental. Convenience sampling technique patients’ information taken from stoma clinic 3th floor HBB, and mumbai. Contact number taken from emr. Coding of clients done. Each person contacted telephonically according to client interest during morning hours 11-12pm for 30-35 minutes duration as per preference for giving data. Verbal consent taken with three languages i.e., english, marathi and hindi. Data collection done under four section 1. Demographic data 2. Stoma questionnaire (adapted from wroe et al. 2003 and salkowski et al. 2004) 3. Stoma self-efficacy scale (bekkers el at. 1996) and 4. Hospital anxiety and depression scale (hads). After the questionnaire valuable feedback questions asked. Data analysis was carried out in ibm spssv25.0
Result: in stoma questionnaire 50% were good and 50% were excellent. No poor and satisfactory clients. In self-care efficacy scale (8.3%) were fairly confident, 18 patients (75%) were highly confident and 4 patients (16.7%) were extremely patients. In hospital anxiety and depression scale 16.7% had borderline anxiety and 83.3% had abnormal anxiety level and 16.7% had normal depression level, 41.7% had borderline depression level and 41.7% had abnormal depression level. Conclusions : nurse led telephonic follow up is an effective intervention to support the adjustment of stoma patients after hospitalization

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