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Associated Factors of Low Back Pain among The Workers of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia: Mekelle, North Ethiopia

Kshtrashal Singh, Haile Gebremichel Gebrekidan


Its known sitting and standing postures at work vary as to duration and freedom to alternate postures, and standing postures vary as to mobility. The purpose of the study to find out the associated factors of LBP among the bank workers and to find out the impact of demographic, occupational, psychological, and social factors so that bank workers may able to identify the cause, that can control or minimize the risk of LBP. Bank works should provide clear information’s about every risks they have. This study provides a proper base for, equipment, furniture, and environmental condition which are mandatory in the design of working place of the bank workers. The sedentary life style is always associated with low back pain as bank workers have. This study will help in making aware of the bank workers about their proper posture to avoid any unnecessary stress on lower back to prevent low back pain.


Keywords: Low back pain, Posture, Bank workers


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