Artificial Intelligence in Medical Fields
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science capable of analyzing complex medical data. This can be used in diagnosis, treatment and predicting outcome in many clinical scenarios. Medicine and internet searches were carried out using the keywords ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘neural networks’. An overview of different AI techniques is presented in this paper along with the review of importance in clinical applications. The proficiency of AI techniques has been explored in almost every field of medicine. This paper mainly deals with tumors. An artificial neural network was the most commonly used analytical tool. Other AI techniques such as fuzzy expert systems, evolutionary computation and hybrid intelligent system have all been used in different clinical settings.
Keywords: Automation, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, neural networks, machine learning
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Ramachandran G, Sheela T, Sureshkumar G, et al. Artificial Intelligence in Medical Fields. Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical Science and Technology. 2019; 8(1): 1–3p.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjomst.v8i1.1274
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