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Infertility and Assisted reproductive technology (ART): An overview

Mudasir Maqbool, Mehrukh Zehravi, Irfat Ara


Numerous scientific advances in the last several years have increased our understanding of infertility and provided us with the means to improve both the success and safety of infertility treatments. In the past, infertility was defined as the inability to conceive after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse. When a couple's fertility fails, they get despondent and dissatisfied. They blame women, and sometimes each other, for infertility failure. People's attitudes about childlessness, particularly among women whose primary duty is childbearing and whose economic and social position is often based on her capacity to produce children, are sometimes rude and judgemental. Given the multiple factors that influence a couple's fertility, determining the underlying reason of infertility is a difficult and time-consuming task. Initial treatment for infertile couples will be provided in primary care, depending on the provider's comfort level. The assistance provided to address infertility is known as assisted reproduction. Fertility therapies that work with both a woman's egg and a man's sperm are included. It operates by removing a woman's eggs from her body. Embryos are created by mixing the eggs with sperm. After that, the embryos are implanted back into the woman's body. The most frequent and effective type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) is in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Recent developments in ART have centred on biochemical and genetic studies to attain this goal.

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