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The Impact of Covid 19 On Education System

Pushpa Gothwal, Farhan Pinara, Dev Harsh


The COVID-19 pandemic has made the world suffer and its impacts can be seen in every domain of society such as education, health sector, finance, daily routine, etc. These impacts are so diverse which are proved to be unfavorable and constructive as well. In the current scenario where everyone is talking about the adverse impact of Covid-19, the present paper throws light on the impact of Covid-19 on the education sector in both, schools and universities level. As we know that the younger generation is the future of the world, their growth, safety, and holistic development should be a prime concern of the governments. This paper presents how during the Covid-19, the education world has got a boost through various online platforms. It also puts forth a critical analysis of both, traditional and online teaching.


Education, teaching, Covid-19, pandemic, impact, etc

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