Adverse Effects of Oil Spills on Human and Marine Life and Causing Deterioration to Ecological Balance
Petroleum based products are vital to human existence as water, and serves as the basic wall of defense for the future generation. Oil spills have become a global problem in developed and industrialized countries. Accidental spills and leaks damage the highly complex marine ecosystem resulting in some significantly environmental disasters. Short and long-term effects of oil spill on marine environment generate a widespread public concern with an enormous pressure on the legislation and responsible parties. The outcome of oil pollution to environment and human health has brought a major challenge to the environmental society. This paper discusses about the environmental effects of oil spills and consequent clean-up activities on marine flora and fauna and their natural domain. It also discusses the impact of human social and economic activities. Physical and chemical approaches are too expensive and it creates adverse effects. Bioremediation has been emerged as one of the most favorable treatment option for oil removal, which involves the use of microorganisms. This oil-degrading indigenous microorganism plays a very significant role in reducing the overall environmental impact caused due to large oil spills.
Keywords: Crude oil, bioremediation, marine life, economical activities, oil spill
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Dwivedi S. Adverse Effects of Oil Spills on Human and Marine Life and Causing Deterioration to Ecological Balance. Research and Reviews: Journal of Toxicology. 2016; 6(1): 1–7p.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjot.v6i1.1322
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