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Radon Estimation in Water of Surrey Region of British Columbia, Canada using LR-115 Type II Nuclear Track Detector

Jasmine Virk, Hardev Singh Virk


Radon activity concentrations were measured in the ocean, swamp and well water samples collected from Surrey region of British Columbia in Canada. The purpose of this study was to compare radon activity in all three sources of water. Water was collected in air tight bottles and stored for 2 weeks before investigation. LR-115 Type II nuclear track detectors of 1.5 cm 2 were used for recording radon alpha tracks. Tracks were counted after etching with 2.5 N NaOH at 60°C for 90 min, using an optical microscope to determine track density. Radon concentration was estimated using standard calibration factor of 0.034 -2 .d -1 /Bq.m-3 . Highest value of radon concentration of 1707 Bq/m3 has been found in sea water and lowest value of 852 Bq/m3 in well water used for drinking in Surrey region. The values of radon concentration in well water are within the safe limits as recommended by US EPA.


Well water, radioactivity, radon, LR-115 type II plastic detector, etching, alpha tracks

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