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A Research Project on Identification and Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions in General Medicine Ward of an ESI Hospital

M. Manasa Rekha, Shaik Rifath Jahan


Aim: The study aims at identifying and reporting the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in general medicine ward of an ESI hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Objective: Prescription study, analysis and prevention of medication-related problems (ADRs), identifying and minimizing medication-related problems, improving patient safety initiatives, improving the patient health-related outcomes, reducing work burden of physicians, and providing better therapy to large number of patients. Methodology: Study Design: It was a prospective and observational study. Study Period: The present study was conducted from August 2018 to November 2018.Study Site: The present study was conducted in the General Medicine Department, ESI, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Sample Size: Patients enrolled for the present study period of three months was 100 patients. Source of Data: Collection of patients’ demographic details, laboratory investigations, present medical history, medication history, past medical history, medication history, drug allergy, treatment regimen were collected by using patient data collection form, analyzed and reported by using ADR form. Inclusion Criteria: Patients in the age group of18 to 60 years, patients with medical and medication-related problems, patients who were willing to participate in the study. Exclusion Criteria: Patients who were not willing to participate in the study. Results: Based on all the results obtained by this study statistical analysis was done by using Prism Graph Pad software. P-value of</= 0.001 indicated that the present study is highly significant and useful to patients. Discussion: Total of 100 patients were enrolled in the study. The male population was 53, while female population was 47. Total 39 ADRs were screened during the study period. Month-wise screening of ADRs showed that 12 (30.76923%) ADRs were screened in August month, nine (23.07692%) in September month, and 18 (46.15384%) in November month. Conclusion: The present study concluded that there is an imbalance between physician and patient ratios in India, and there is increased work load on physicians who are unable to concentrate on identification of ADRs, which leads to serious life-threatening conditions to patients. Here there is chance to Doctor of Pharmacy professionals who are specialized in Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics and hence they can identify and report all ADRs and can assist physicians in achieving the desired therapeutic outcomes of patient. So there is an urgent need of Doctor of Pharmacy services in Indian hospitals and even Indian government should concern and provide a responsibility cadre to Indian Doctor of Pharmacy professionals in order to improve the medical care in India.


Keywords: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs), side effects, pharmacovigilance (PV)

Cite this Article Rekha MM, Jahan SR. A Research Project on Identification and Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions in General Medicine Ward of an ESI Hospital. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology. 2018; 8(3): 9–14p.

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