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The Concept of Asbab-E-wajood (Causes of Being)

Zaiba Israr, Ferasat Ali, Huma Noor


Aristotle said that we don’t have complete knowledge of a thing until we get hold on its why, which tells its cause. If we consider anything and wanted to know how it exists or what keeps its existence possible, then there arises 4 questions i.e. What is it made of? What made it? What is it; Shape Structure, Arrangements? And what is it for? There are seven factors which combine together for the formation, existence, and function of any living being as per the requirement, which is termed as Umoor-e-Tabiya (also known as asbab-e-Muqawwima, which means formative factors). If we want to find answers to the above questions, then ‘Asbab-e-wajood’ whose literal meaning is ‘causes of being’ should be known. The need of this article is to answer these questions in the light of Unani fundamentals which will help future scholars to understand the concept of Asbab-e-Wajood.


Asbab-e wajood, asbab-e-muqawwima, umoor-e-tabiya, aristotle theory of causality, etiology, efficient factor, co-efficient factor

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