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Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Unani Medicine Tukhm-e-Karafs (Apium graveolans Linn) and Tukhm-e- Duqu (Peucedanum grande) in patients with urolithiasis by assessing the symptomatic relief, reduction/expulsion of urinary stones and urinary biochemical parameters.

Mohd. Rafi Thoker, Yousuf Saleem, Tariq Rahim


Background: - Karafs(Apium graveolans Linn) and Duqu (Peucedanum grande) are some of the main plants whose seeds are used in Unani System of Medicine from ancient times for a number of problems of urinary system like urinary retention, kidney and bladder stones , and other kidney diseases like nephrits, etc.

Aim of the study: - To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Unani Medicine Tukhm-e-Karafs (Apium graveolans Linn) and Tukhm-e- Duqu (Peucedanum grande) in patients suffering from urolithiasis by assessment of the relief in symptoms, decrease in size and increase in expulsion rate of urinary stones and biochemical parameters of urinary system.

Methodology: The clinical trial was done on thirty patients suffering from renal stones with stone size ranging from five millimeter to ten millimeter, All the patients were given both drugs through oral route in the form of one-gram capsules each twice daily for a period of six weeks. Patients were evaluated at every fifteen days for assessment of subjective parameters. Ultrasound examination was carried out at baseline and after the completion of the therapy.

Results: -: The trial drug helped in expulsion of stones in eighteen patients viz 60%. A significant was decrease in the size of urinary stone was found in seven viz 23.33% after receiving the treatment. There was improvement in clinical symptoms i.e, abdominal pain, burning micturition, hematuria, and tenderness in KUB area.

Conclusions: - On the basis of results obtained in the clinical trials, the conclusion can be drawn that the unani medicines used in the trial have significant lithotrptic action in urinary stones and increases the expulsion rate of stones and aids in relieving the related symptoms.


Unani Medicine, Karafs(Apium graveolans Linn) and Duqu (Peucedanum grande C. B. Clarke), efficacy, safety, urinary stones.

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