Therapeutic Importance of Sumbul-ut-Teeb (Nardostachys jatamansi DC)
Background: Sumbul-ut-teeb is an important medicinal plant and has been extensively used in the Indian system of medicine. Sumbul-ut-teeb is an erect, small, perennial, rhizomatous herb. There is a plethora of experimental and clinical evidence showing its medicinal activity. Varieties: There are three varieties of Sumbul-ut-teeb that are mentioned in the Unani System of Medicine as a drug that is, Sumbul Hindi, Sumbul Romi, and Sumbul Jabli (pahadi). Sumbul Hindi is supposed to be the most effective among the three varieties. Ethnobotanical Importance: In Unani System of Medicine, it is mainly used as Moqawwi e jigar (hepatotonic), Moqawwi e dimagh (brain tonic), and Moqawwi e meda (gastric tonic/digestive). Various in vivo and in vitro studies have also shown its antidepressant, hepatoprotective, anticonvulsant, cardioprotective hypolipidemic, anti-Parkinson’s, antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant, stress relieving, neuroprotective, antihyperglycemic, cytotoxic, and anticancer activities. Conclusion: It is an important medicinal plant that has been used for decades to treat a number of diseases. Various scientific studies have revealed its medicinal properties in different types of pathological conditions.
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