Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Cervical Cancer among Women Residing in Rayampet Village, Tiruvannamalai District
Introduction: Globally, cervical cancer ranks as the second most common cancer in women and is
one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths for women in developed nations. Materials and
Methods: A quantitative approach was used in the study. Research Design: A quasi-experimental
design was adopted for the study by using a simple random sampling technique. The tool used for
data collection was a structured knowledge questionnaire. Result: The study findings reveal that in
pre-test, 23 (77%) had inadequate knowledge, 6 (20%) had moderately adequate knowledge, and 1
(3%) had adequate knowledge and the pre-test mean score was 11.83 with SD 4.53 in the pre-test
group. During the post-test, 4 (13%) had inadequate knowledge, 16 (54%) had moderately adequate
knowledge, and 10 (33%) had adequate knowledge, and the post-test mean score was 21.16 with SD
4.95. The mean post-test knowledge score of 21.16 of the subjects was higher than the mean pre-test
knowledge score of 11.83 and the study was significant (t = 22.83p<0.001). Conclusion: These
findings revealed that a structured teaching program was effective in improving the knowledge
regarding cervical cancer.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/jonsp.v12i1.2812
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