A Study to Assess the Add-on Impact of Ayurvedic Management along with Ongoing Conventional Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder of multiple etiologies characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with disbalance of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, action, or both. Diabetes affects millions and thus is a major public health disease among with adults aged 30+. Available treatment although helps but many develop other side effects to complicate the issue. Ayurveda offers options to manage diabetes without complications. Present study is to see the add-on effect of Ayurveda therapy among persons on modern medicines. Ayurveda D4 combination is Jamunbeej and Gudmarpatra 5 gm churna each before breakfast and dinner and Giloy and Nagarmotha, 5 gm churna each after breakfast and dinner with ongoing modern treatment (Group A) and Group B continues on modern medicines with placebo. Treatment allocation is randomized. Once qualified for inclusion, patient is allocated to Group A or to Group B. Of the 66 patients recruited, 51 completed the study. Treatment was given for 12 weeks and monitored every 15th day until 3 months. Assessments of Ayurveda parameters, such as rog bala, agnibala, dehabala, cheatsbala and daytime sleepiness scale, fatigue assessment scale was done, at baseline and 3 months. T-test and nonparametric test used to compare results. Significant improvement in subjective and objective parameters, DSS and FAS is observed in Group A than in Group B. Conclusion: Ayurveda D4 combination can be a good treatment strategy to manage diabetes Type 2 well for reasons of safely and good quality of life.
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