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Manisha .



Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common non-communicable diseases (NCDs) globally. Diabetes mellitus is also known as prameha or madhumeha. It is most commonly found in many economically developing and newly industrialized countries. Diabetes mellitus is a disorder that affects the body’s ability to make or use insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that helps transport glucose (blood sugar) from the bloodstream into the cells so they can break it down and use it for fuel. It has been narrated in Ayurveda that the long periods of physical inactivity, laziness, sleeping for long hours, excess use of food which is heavy to digest like dairy products, aquatic and marshy animals, sugar/jaggery preparations, fresh grains, etc., and similar foods that increase kapha are generalized causes of prameha/diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a metabolic disease that occurs when your blood sugar also known as blood glucose level is too high. The term high blood glucose is also known a HYPERGLYCEMIA.


Keywords: Diabetes, diabetes mellitus, factors of diabetes, hyperglycemia, insulin

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Manisha. Factors of Diabetes Mellitus. Research & Reviews: Journal of Medicine. 2020; 10(2): 19–25p.

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