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Co-Morbidity of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Chronic Depression

Paul J. Flaer


Obsessions (e.g. usually associated with blasphemous thoughts) dominate the psyche of those afflicted with OCD until relief comes with a connected compulsive activity (i.e., another thought process, or action). OCD is disabling as to the time and mental energy it consumes. The disorder is characterized by repeated hand washing (the “Pontius Pilot Syndrome”), checking, and ordering. In some instances, these symptoms of OCD can have positive overtones and make a more productive and exacting worker. For example, dentist with OCD probably does more accurate restorations due to a “checker” inclination. Professions depending on industriousness and problem-solving like physician or scientist are custom-made for those with OCD. However, severe observable symptomology and often a dehabilitating decrease in functionality usually occur in those with the disorder. Nonetheless, those afflicted with OCD are quite skilled at hiding their symptoms from others; often including their employer or spouse. In addition, those with OCD usually have one or more depressive episodes or must also deal with chronic depression.


Keywords: Obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, disability, mental health


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Flaer Paul J. Co-Morbidity of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)and Chronic Depression. Research and Reviews: Journal of Medical Science and Technology (RRJoMST). 2015; 4(2):      1–5p.

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