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Research Output in Medical Science Using Various Databases: A Review

Tawfeeq Nazir, Farha Deeba


Research encompasses innovative and creative work undertaken on a systematic and scientific basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to invent new applications. Research output is regarded as a measure to the progress and development of a nation. In the present milieu, a nation prosperity, power and economy is determined by its research productivity. Health care is the important issue in present day in global scenario. The study is an attempt to find out the research productivity and progress of medical science research by different institutions and countries. The study analyzed medical research from different perspectives. The study shows the results of different studies regarding research output of different countries, databases etc.The most productive and leading country in medical research is USA followed by U.K whereas, India holds 12th rank among productive countries in the field of medicine. In stem cell research, USA is followed by China.


Keywords: Research Output, Medical Sciences, Library science, Oncology


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Nazir Tawfeeq, Deeba Farha. Research Output in Medical Science Using Various Databases: A Review. Research and Reviews: Journal of Oncology and Hematology (RRJoOH). 2015; 4(2): 8–12p.

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